Late Summer ... Summer Harvest Magic
Ahh the late days of summer ... this time of year is different than the early and midsummer days . It is ironic that late summer often brings steamy hot weather !!
It is about the harvest. Squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, kale- the gardens are flourishing ! As the Hydrangeas , who have had an amazing blooming summer, are fading, the Beach Plums are brilliant ! My beach plum trees are expanding and so excited to be alive that they are blocking the entrance to my home .
Colors are vibrant and it is time to gather and be nourished by our plantings . Not only in our gardens of veggies, but our gardens of life.
Autumn awaits, and quite patiently , for it enjoys the languishing in the sun . It is in no hurry , and so , even though we are getting back to school, and gearing up for the transition of seasons , let us enjoy these days of late summer .
There is a shift indeed at this time . In Chinese Medicine , this is a whole season in itself . It is a magical time of in between time .
So enjoy . Be at ease. Get your stuff done, but take time to be nourished . The days get shorter and darker, but the sun is brilliant , and the days are perfect .