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Movement | Awareness | Strength | Joy | Aloha | Health
The body expresses itself through movement!
Find what is " right " for you. How does your body move ? What does your body need to feel fit?
What fitness program or class fits you ? How are you moved ?
Bringing awareness ,without judgement or thinking too much, to your challenges, your pains, the places that would benefit from attention, is the first step to doing something.
We have experts to help you, and if we are not able to, we will direct you to professionals and places who can.
Bringing awareness to local peoples going to through difficulties, and also peoples and causes around the country, and globally, helps us to take action, however small.
Bringing awareness to higher vibrational energies, to different modalities and cultures, and way of cognitively aware multi-dimensional thinking.
Inner wisdoms and physical strength ! Stamina, Endurance , Building and creating strong bodies , minds and spirit
What brings your body Joy? What sings your soul ? Brings you alive?
Joy in Expression and Acceptance:
Acceptance of you just as you are, and honoring, guiding and supporting you in what you choose to create in your life.
Joyful Sharing of life energy in the present, and bringing affection, compassion, peace and love to every living moment.
If you come to visit masjah space, you will feel the spirit of aloha !
Holistic Health means taking into account all aspects of health - Physical , emotional, mental, spiritual . One's whole story must be honored , one's beliefs and truths, one's past experiences and the stories one has created - all are part of one's overall health and life experience .
We all go through changes in rhythms where our workouts and working within changes. Sometimes we must push past our comfort zones; sometimes we must rest. Being in your wellness means honoring the cycles.
Health is about being nourished, supported. Nutrition is key! Learn new ways of eating and being.
Health is also allowing our bodies to heal . We have everything we need within our mind body.
Learn to live in harmony..
Woven into the very fabric of Masjah Studios, is a consciousness of Loving Kindness, Taking care of one another , Respect, Acceptance, Right Action, Reciprocity , and honor.

masjah studios all rights reserved.
181 Rte 137, Unit 3, East Harwich, MA 02645. Phone 774-237-9068
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