JuneMoon Happenings
Welcome to June! This Saturday brings us a full moon- powerful ! This moon is lively ! It can pack a punch by casting such strong light that our shadows selves do not quite know what to do. Ohh yes , all beliefs and attachments rooted in past fears and experiences are coming on out from under the rocks , in the caverns of our deep psyche. Energies amp up, as this moon is the opening act for Summer Solstice , June 21.
This can be an amazing time ! Celebrate and honor by taking moments , crafting out times, to be what you are : a part of the majesty of nature ; an integral note in the symphony of life and being. In all you experience , take a moment to realize that there is a vastness, a perfection of ever-changing life forces and a synergy in the often mysterious workings of nature .
Full Moon is about release - seeing clearly - letting go when the absolutely perfect circumstances arrive to trigger your stuff . Use this changing season , moon time energy to power yourself up ! Ignite your excitement , and believe . Believe that there are more possibilities and opportunities that you can imagine . There are miracles literally floating around and through and within you .
Follow the moon beams to a joyful heart . Move your body. Reach your arms out and up. Dance your dance walk your talk .
Trust . Let go . Be still . Listen And then, Jump into your joy , whatever that means to you . Lean into the places of yay. The moon has come out to play , and summer is gearing up for a yang time !
Peace, and joy --- blessings and smiles . The tough stuff is real, but so is your magic , your great big vast self !
Shine on!