equinox, libra, and new moon happenings

Autumnal Equinox . Renew, Recalibrate. Balance. We now begin to tend the hearth fires and prepare for the season to come. We harvest the bounty of the seeds we planted in the spring and gather our insights and wisdoms from our experiences , to once again , re - align with intent and purpose . It is time to bring ourselves back to our practices , traditions , rituals, habits that will enhance and enrich our lives ; it is time to believe and breathe and hold ourselves accountable . Clear the pathways inner and outer , take care of “loose ends “ and take our next steps with courageous , compassionate hearts. We light our heart and hearth fires , connect to our center , and earth center . We stabilize , calm and gain clarity through moments and practices of caring and tuning in , stillness and purposeful action . Gathering our blessings , we are grateful . We care for ourselves and then for others - sharing our abundance and live our lives , as best we can , for. a world of harmony , balance and peace . Happy Fall !
September 23 marks the beginning of the astrological sign of Libra - ahh balance !! And a New Moon is on September 25 , so we have Renewal and Re-algnment X 3 !!!!
It is time to see the two "opposites " / polarities .. and be able to see many possibilities for an elevated view , a higher more expensive way of seeing a common ground, an alliance between the two .
3 rays of light . unity of 2 views. balance & harmony 1 Renewal and Re-align.