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The Naissance of November

November.. the thought of November evokes memories,and brings up stories, ideas of what November is. Everyone has their own perspective, of course, and so November means different things to different people, but the main themes are there, familial, regional, national, cultural... Here on Cape, November brings Thanksgiving, Family, gratitude, colder temps , quieter streets, leaves brilliantly changing color { we are behind the northern states, whose foliage peaks are in October}, beautiful landscapes, but a gray sky settling in, darkness calling us to move inwards.

This November, although there have been the familiar leaves changing, and of course we can always count on Christmas displays and goods in stores, even before Turkey day, this November is different. Because this November has marked the culmination of an awakening, and a great opportunity to walk the talk, learn and grow, love your neighbor, honor your ancestors, believe, trust, act. Stand up in Courageous Peace.

We have known intellectually and experientially, about gathering together. Families gather for holidays, the darkness brings people together, and we tend to brave the winters by helping one another, but this month, we are truly called, truly demanded even, to gather together in unity, and even in disharmony.

The rainbows appear and fade, and the leaves change and fall, the harvest is complete, and we now reap what we have sown, as we prepare for the winter season.

This November, we are experiencing a birth, the naissance of a whole new way of living and being.

In a birth of life, the energy is so intense that one can barely stay conscious. It is the embodiment of quasars being formed; of galaxies spiraling into existence; it is the beauty of divinity in its most chaotic form. Bang. the Big Bang. Wow.

Birth walks closely to death. In fact, these two are twins. We have come to define them as opposing forces, but they actually are beautifully intertwined, always having each others' back. As changes come, and energy shifts, there is an ending, La Fin, to what has been happening before the change. The birthing of new ideas often comes with the ending, the death of the old ideas. But , and here is where we are invited to change our views:

The birth and death, The naissances and les morts are woven together in a spiral dance. There are no points of beginning and ending, like bookends of life . There is a continuum . New ideas arise with the help of the old ones, transforming them into something else. Past experiences do not die, they mark our way as sign posts, as learning libraries.

In the same vein, hidden, suppressed thoughts, desires, belief systems, lying dormant in the guise of something else, will give birth to a whole new paradigm .

What that birthing labor looks like, is our choice, really. It has been a long time coming, and now we experience , well, what our experience is, comes from our perspectives and internal gps systems.

Will we stand in courageous peace and light as the" quasar" bursts into spirals, seeing the beauty and grace of it all- taking right action to preserve a way of living sacred, peaceful , magical lives, Feeling the Naissance, the birth of New Earth living inside us?

We gather together, for this is November. The leaves change, and the north wind blows, awaking the winter spirits. But there is a magic, a new integration of old ways and new frequencies , that is so subtle, it can not be felt in the doings of everyday living, especially, if we allow ourselves to be distracted { and oh how distracted we are indeed!! }.

We are guided to find practices, communities, gatherings, where we feel joy and love, and root in the bones and muscles , and rhythms of our bodies. We move beyond thoughts of beginnings and endings and doings; of differences and hatreds and judgments of ourselves and others.. we see that there is no death of these, there is just a birth of a more expansive, higher vibe thought processes.

They are happening now.

Believe. Welcome to the beginning, the Naissance.

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