Late Summer into Fall......

We gather our blessings and dance.
We hug our summer members and bid them farewell for now, and welcome new members and guests, as the fall season beckons them to come.
We are happy to see our resident members - busy in the summer- come back up the stairs wth smiles and yay we are back embraces.
Wonderful energy here with Tricia Duffy, Sally LaRue, and Sarah Swain rocking the house with Cardio Drum, Dance Alive, Cardio Bosu, Total Body Dance ! Dynamic and just amazing!
An amazing team of Masjah instructors who, in the midst of their busy busy summer, are always here- helping, covering for each other and being dedicated to the max!!
And in the quiet spaces of Masjah Healing Rooms, our massage therapists are quietly performing magic.
Congrats to Norma and her new baby!
Things are always changing, and we flow through the changes. As the seaons change, Equinox comes, and we move from summer, to late summer, and now into autumn.
We prepare with new eating habits, re committ to our workouts, open to our dance, and take care of ourselves . We laugh, We cycle, We dance.
We motivate one another, and support one another.
We face challenges and move courageously forward.
We surrender, We soar.