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NewMoon/Solar Eclipse

We are discovering and opening more now to our true Selves and , our blue print for this life’s work . Many are experiencing increase in intuitive powers and deep understandings . The multi dimensional ways of seeing , believing , being become clear. Synchronicity is a natural way of everyday living.

This upcoming New moon / Solar eclipse reminds us that as we navigate / play / or struggle in these heightened expansive energies and changes , diving deeply ( whether we are aware of it or not ) into the workings of our minds , and the crumbling of old ways , we must notice and recognize and own our doubts ,fears ,terrors , and be prepared to make amends . As we enter Eclipse season , and this gateway from this moon to the full moon/ lunar eclipse May 5 , we have much to do , and a huge invitation to get real with ourselves. If we have left things unattended , created some tangled webs , are overwhelmed , or unsure what to do as our tethered beliefs of old no longer hide in the recesses of our psyche, now is the time to do all that spring cleaning !!!

And remind our little selves that it is ok . It is great ! We are supported and connected - a beautiful thread weaving in the fabric of life. New moon in Aries ! Closes the chapters on what is no longer aligned. Kick starts a new cycle and new opportunities . Yes! Can get a little crazy but we are centered and ready !

start you exercise program , yoga practice, meditation practice ...... open to your way of supporting your body mind spirit, and follow that heart guidance .

Kundalini Yoga on Wednesday night will help move through energies and anchor in some awesome vibrations !!

6:30 in studioM

Be Well !! We are here to support you in this time of such change .




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